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Karma Removal program

In recent years, you must have sensed that something has changed, i.e. it is constantly changing.


There is an increased need for people to get rid of the many burdens they carry with them from the past and from their current lives. Also, get rid of a lot of pain and fears.

People can no longer bear the weight of these burdens. We receive and face hard and increasingly difficult lessons.

We practice patience, forgiveness, acceptance and reliese..

In today's world, we are lucky to have the opportunity to create a future for ourselves that we have always dreamed of, and we have all the tools at our disposal to do so.I used to say that we should finally put down the backpack we are carrying. We can do this by solving the burden of our backpack - our karmic tasks. Until this happens, we often feel that we cannot move from one to the other, we just stumble in one place. As long as this is the case, we keep attracting the same situations into our lives over and over again. 


Conscious life begins when a person takes responsibility for his/her life and admits that he/she is here now because he/she wants to be here. 

I know what you're thinking now...

I don't know your life, I don't know what kind of family you were born into, what kind of family you grew up in and how difficult your life was. How much pain you felt, how many times you wanted to give up your life... but believe me, I know what you're thinking...


Everyone's fate is the most difficult and painful. 


I won't promise you a miracle. The miracle is you, it's in you! 


I can help you in that by the end of the course I have prepared, we will bring out what is in you and solve a lot of karmic tasks, thus your life will be easier, because you will be relieved. You have to do the work, I can't do it for you. 


What will change at the end of the course? We all come into the world with different tasks, we have to learn different things.

If you are patient, you don't give up, you are persistent, then you can understand how you work. You can see the connections, you can unblock your own blocks that have been obstacles in your life. You can see the energies being cleared.


In this course, you will receive 60 tasks in 90 days. If you want to go slower, that's fine. You have to give yourself time and energy. 


You have two options. Everything remains as it is and you continue to suffer OR you decide to change your life and heal.

I trust that you will decide in favor of change. 


I want you to be 100% satisfied with Karma Online Program. That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to try the program for 90 days. If you are not satisfied with the results after completing the program, no problem. Within 90 days, send me proof by e-mail that you have filled out your daily diary, that you have done all the tasks that I gave you, that you can prove that there have been no changes in your life as a result of the program, then we will refund you the full amount. I am so confident that you will not only love it, but also deliver on its promises, so I want to give you more than enough time to try it out.

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